Professional Counselor Licensing Education

Most counseling professions require at least the minimum education of a Master’s degree, post degree supervised clinical experience, and passing of the National Counselor Examination (or an equivalent exam recognized by the state in which you might be practicing). All states, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, require licensure for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC’s).
Professional Counselor Licensing Education
Licensed Professional Counselors are trained professionals devoted to helping individuals, and families, in need. Licensed counselors often work with people suffering from mental health and behavioral, or emotional, issues. There are many other areas in which counselors are needed that go beyond traditional emotional, or behavioral, problems. Various types of counselors are available to help you work through issues in life, such as: difficult personal decisions, career planning, challenging relationships, and other hurdles.
Listed below are many different types of licensed counselors that are trained to help, and guide, individuals and families in need. Make sure to click on the counseling career specialty that interests you in order to learn more and find out what it takes to earn an education in that field.